Stream count method

Overview of the count Method

The count method in Java Streams is a terminal operation, meaning it is used to produce a result from the stream after all other intermediate operations (such as filter, map, etc.) have been applied. The purpose of the count method is straightforward: it returns the number of elements in the stream as a long value.

Here are some situations where you might use the count method:

  • To determine the total number of items in a list or array.
  • To count items that match a specific condition.
  • To count unique elements within a stream.

Syntax and Usage

The syntax for the count method is simple, as it takes no arguments:

					long count = stream.count();


It’s important to note that since count is a terminal operation, once it is called, the stream is closed and cannot be reused. To perform additional operations on the data, you would need to create a new stream.

Examples of Using count

Counting All Elements

Let’s start with the most straightforward example, where we count all elements in a stream:

					List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David");
long count =;
System.out.println("Total names: " + count); // Output: Total names: 4


In this example, the count method returns 4 because there are four elements in the list.

Counting Elements with a Condition

You can use the count method in combination with other intermediate operations, like filter, to count elements that satisfy a specific condition. For example, let’s count how many names start with the letter “A”:

					long countA =
                   .filter(name -> name.startsWith("A"))
System.out.println("Names starting with A: " + countA); // Output: Names starting with A: 1


Here, the filter method creates a stream of names that start with “A”, and the count method then counts these filtered elements.

Counting Distinct Elements

If you want to count only unique elements in a stream, you can use the distinct method before calling count:

					List<String> animals = Arrays.asList("cat", "dog", "elephant", "dog", "cat");
long uniqueCount =
System.out.println("Unique animals: " + uniqueCount); // Output: Unique animals: 3


In this example, the stream counts only the distinct animal names. Although there are five total elements, the output is 3 because there are only three unique names: “cat”, “dog”, and “elephant”.

Performance Considerations

The count method is generally efficient, but its performance can vary depending on several factors:

  • Stream Size: The time complexity is proportional to the size of the stream.
  • Parallel Processing: If you are working with a large dataset, consider using parallel streams. Parallel streams can divide the work among multiple threads, improving performance on multicore processors.
  • Intermediate Operations: Since count it is a terminal operation, it must process all intermediate operations first. The complexity of operations like filter or map will influence the overall performance.

For example, counting elements in a parallel stream:

					long parallelCount = animals.parallelStream().count();
System.out.println("Total animals (parallel): " + parallelCount);


Best Practices

Here are a few tips to help you use the count method effectively:

  1. Leverage Parallel Streams for Large Data: If you’re working with a large dataset, consider using parallelStream() to speed up the counting process.
  2. Use Filtering for Specific Conditions: Apply filters to your stream before counting to focus only on elements that match your criteria. This approach is particularly useful for processing large collections.
  3. Combine with distinct for Unique Counts: When you need to count unique items, use distinct() before count() to remove duplicates.
  4. Reuse Streams Carefully: Since streams cannot be reused after a terminal operation, ensure you have a fresh stream if you need to perform multiple operations on the data.


The count method is a simple yet indispensable part of the Java Stream API. Whether you’re working with simple lists or complex collections with filtering and mapping, count helps you quickly determine the size of your data or elements that meet certain criteria. By combining count with other Stream API methods like filter, distinct, and parallelStream, you can harness the full potential of Java Streams to create concise and efficient data-processing pipelines.