Java Language Introduction


James Gosling and Patrick Naughton originally developed the Java programming language at Sun Microsystems in the mid-1990s. Over the years, it has evolved into one of the most popular and enduring languages in software development. Java’s popularity can be attributed to several key features and characteristics that make it a valuable tool for programmers and a preferred choice for a wide range of applications.

Key Features Of Java

  1. Platform Independence: Java is renowned for its “Write Once, Run Anywhere” philosophy. This is achieved through the compilation of Java source code into an intermediate form called byte code, which can be executed on any platform equipped with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This platform independence makes Java ideal for creating cross-platform applications, as developers can write code once and expect it to run consistently across different operating systems.
  2. Object-Oriented Paradigm: Java is a pure object-oriented programming language. It encourages developers to model real-world entities using objects and classes, fostering code organisation, modularity, and reusability. This object-oriented approach simplifies complex software design and maintenance.
  3. Strongly Typed: Java is a statically-typed language, meaning that variable types must be explicitly declared, and type checking occurs during compilation. This early error detection enhances code reliability and maintainability.
  4. Robust Standard Library: Java boasts an extensive standard library known as the Java Standard Library or Java API. This library provides a wealth of pre-built classes and methods for common tasks, such as file manipulation, network communication, data structures, and more. Developers can leverage these resources to streamline development and avoid reinventing the wheel.
  5. Multi-threading Support: Java includes built-in support for multi-threading, allowing developers to create applications that can execute multiple tasks concurrently. This capability is vital for building responsive and efficient software, particularly in web development and server-side programming.
  6. Emphasis on Security: Security is a top priority in Java. The Java Virtual Machine incorporates features like bytecode verification to prevent unauthorised access to system resources. Consequently, Java is a preferred choice for developing secure applications, including those handling sensitive data.
  7. Vibrant Ecosystem: Java has a thriving developer community that has contributed to an expansive ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools. Notable Java frameworks include Spring for enterprise application development, Hibernate for database interaction, and JavaFX for building rich desktop applications.
  8. Diverse Applications: Java finds applications across a broad spectrum of domains. It is used in web development (with technologies like Servlets and JSP), mobile app development (Android apps are primarily developed in Java), desktop software, enterprise systems, and server-side applications.
  9. IDE Support: Java benefits from exceptional Integrated Development Environment (IDE) support. Popular IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans offer features such as code completion, debugging, and refactoring tools, enhancing developer productivity.
  10. Learning Resources: Java enthusiasts have access to a wealth of educational resources, including tutorials, books, online courses, and community forums. The Java documentation is comprehensive and regularly updated, making it an invaluable reference for developers of all levels.

History Of Java Language

The history of Java, the programming language, is a fascinating journey that began in the early 1990s. Here is an overview of the key milestones in Java’s history:

  • Inception (Early 1990s): Java was created by James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton at Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle Corporation). The project, initially known as “Oak,” aimed to develop a language for embedded systems, but it evolved into a more versatile platform.
  • Public Announcement (May 23, 1995): Java was officially introduced to the public at the SunWorld conference. This event marked the beginning of Java’s widespread popularity and adoption.
  • Java 1.0 (January 23, 1996): The first official version of Java, known as Java 1.0, was released. It included many of the core features and libraries that are still present in Java today.
  • Applets and the “Write Once, Run Anywhere” Slogan: One of Java’s early strengths was its support for applets, small programs that could be embedded in web pages. Java’s portability across different platforms and browsers was promoted with the slogan “Write Once, Run Anywhere” (WORA).
  • Java 2 (December 8, 1998): Java 2, also known as Java 1.2, was a significant release that introduced the Swing GUI toolkit, Collections framework, and the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).
  • Open Sourcing (November 2006): Sun Microsystems open-sourced the Java platform under the GNU General Public License (GPL). This initiative led to the creation of the OpenJDK (Open Java Development Kit) and helped foster a strong Java ecosystem.
  • Oracle’s Acquisition of Sun (January 27, 2010): Oracle Corporation acquired Sun Microsystems, taking over stewardship of the Java platform.
  • Java SE 7 (July 28, 2011): Oracle released Java SE 7, which introduced several language enhancements and the “try-with-resources” statement.
  • Java SE 8 (March 18, 2014): Java SE 8 was a landmark release as it introduced lambdas, the Stream API, and the java.time package for modern date and time handling.
  • Modularisation with Java SE 9 (September 21, 2017): Java SE 9 introduced the Java Platform Module System (JPMS), allowing for modular programming and improved code organisation.
  • Oracle’s New Release Cadence (2017): Oracle introduced a new release cadence for Java, with a new feature release every six months. This change aimed to provide developers with more frequent updates and improvements.

  • Java 11 (September 2018): Includes many important and useful updates.Java 11 brings significant enhancements across various aspects: Java 11 introduces several performance improvements. Notably, it incorporates the ZGC (Zero Garbage Collector), designed to optimise memory management, and a revamped HTTP client API, enhancing network operations’ efficiency.
  •  Java 16 (March 16, 2021): It was largely a maintenance release, except it made the Java Records and Pattern matching the standard features of the Java language.

  • Java 17 (September 14, 2021): Java 17 is an LTS (Long Term Support) release, like Java 11 and Java 8. Spring 6 and Spring boot 3 will have first-class support for Java 17. So it is a good idea to plan for upgrading to Java 17.

  • Java 18 GA (March 22, 2022): It has nine new developer features, including a simple web server and another preview of pattern matching for switch.

  • What is the latest Java version: As of March 2023, Java 20 is the latest released Java version. In September 2023, Java 21 will follow. The current long-term support version (LTS) of Java is Java 17, released in September 2021.Please note that the Java ecosystem continues to evolve, with new versions and features being released regularly. It is important to check the latest developments and versions from official sources such as Oracle or the OpenJDK community for the most up-to-date information on Java.


Java’s versatility, platform independence, strong emphasis on object-oriented principles, and security features have contributed to its enduring popularity in the world of software development. Its widespread use in diverse domains and its robust ecosystem of tools and libraries continue to make it a valuable skill for programmers and a reliable choice for building a wide range of software applications.