Java Thread Sleep


Concurrency is a fundamental aspect of modern software development, and Java provides a robust threading mechanism to manage concurrent execution. One essential tool in a Java developer’s toolkit for managing thread execution is the Thread.sleep() method.

What is Thread.sleep()?

The Thread.sleep() method is a static method in the java.lang.Thread class, and it allows a thread to pause its execution for a specified period. When a thread invokes this method, it temporarily gives up its CPU time, allowing other threads to execute. The primary purpose of using Thread.sleep() is to introduce delays in a program, often to control the timing of thread execution. It is important to note that Thread.sleep() is a checked exception, which means that you must either handle the InterruptedException exception that is thrown by the method or declare it in the throws clause of the method that calls Thread.sleep().


					public static void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException


Here is an example of how to use Thread.sleep() to pause the execution of the current thread for 1 second:

					public class SleepExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        System.out.println("Starting thread...");


        System.out.println("Thread woke up.");

					This code will print the following output:

Starting thread...
Thread woke up.

As you can see, the thread is paused for 1 second before the “Thread woke up.” message is printed. Here is another example of how to use Thread.sleep() to create a simple timer:

					public class TimerExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        int seconds = 10;

        for (int i = 0; i < seconds; i++) {
            System.out.println("Seconds remaining: " + (seconds - i));

        System.out.println("Time's up!");

					This code will print the following output:

Seconds remaining: 10
Seconds remaining: 9
Seconds remaining: 8
Seconds remaining: 7
Seconds remaining: 6
Seconds remaining: 5
Seconds remaining: 4
Seconds remaining: 3
Seconds remaining: 2
Seconds remaining: 1
Time's up!

As you can see, the code prints the number of seconds remaining every second until the timer reaches 0.

How does Thread.sleep() work?

The Thread.sleep() method works by interacting with the operating system’s thread scheduler to put the current thread into a wait state for the specified amount of time. The thread scheduler is responsible for managing the execution of multiple threads in a single process. When a thread calls Thread.sleep(), it is essentially telling the thread scheduler to temporarily remove it from the pool of runnable threads. The thread scheduler will then reschedule the thread to run after the specified amount of time has elapsed.

Here is a more detailed explanation of how Thread.sleep() works:

  • Calling Thread.sleep(): When a thread calls Thread.sleep(), it passes a long parameter representing the number of milliseconds to sleep.
  • Entering the wait state: The Thread.sleep() method first checks if the current thread has been interrupted. If it has, then an InterruptedException is thrown. Otherwise, the thread enters the wait state.
  • Rescheduling the thread: The thread scheduler will then reschedule the thread to run after the specified amount of time has elapsed. This means that the thread will be placed back into the pool of runnable threads and will be eligible to be selected for execution by the CPU.
  • Exiting the wait state: When the specified amount of time has elapsed, the thread is notified and exits the wait state. The thread is then eligible to be selected for execution by the CPU.

It is important to note that Thread.sleep() is not a precise method, and the thread may wake up a little earlier or later than the specified time. This is because the thread scheduler may need to context switch between threads, and this can take some time.

Let’s take another example of a console-based countdown timer in Java:

					public class CountdownTimer {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Countdown started:");

        for (int i = 10; i > 0; i--) {
            System.out.println("Time remaining: " + i + " seconds");

            try {
                // Sleep for 1 second
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        System.out.println("Countdown complete. Launching!");


In this example, a countdown timer is implemented using a simple loop. The Thread.sleep(1000) call inside the loop pauses the execution of the main thread for 1 second (1000 milliseconds) during each iteration. This creates a one-second delay between countdown messages, simulating the passage of time.

While this example may seem trivial, it illustrates how Thread.sleep() can be used to control the timing of actions in a program. In more complex applications, you might encounter scenarios where you need to introduce delays to coordinate activities between threads, implement timeouts, or simulate real-time behavior.

Keep in mind that using Thread.sleep() for timing in critical or high-precision applications might not be the best choice due to potential variations in the actual sleep duration. For more advanced timing and coordination between threads, consider using higher-level concurrency utilities provided by Java, such as the java.util.concurrent package.